Business Loans

Explore flexible business loan options designed to fuel your company’s growth, from financing new projects to expanding your operations with confidence.

NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE LICENSING SYSTEM – BBSA Institution NMLS #408192, David E. Kindell NMLS #446607, Robert M. Rutherford NMLS #806113

Business Loans

Mortgage Loans

Owner-occupied commercial real estate

Non-owner occupied investment property. 1-4 family, multi-unit rentals, and other commercial real estate

Flexible loan terms for purchasing or refinancing commercial properties

Competitive rates to help businesses secure real estate

Farm / Agricultural Loans

Financing options for land, equipment, and farm expansion

Support for short-term and long-term agricultural needs

Competitive rates designed to support farm operations and growth

Agricultural Loans
Equipment Loans

Vehicle & Equipment Loans

Loans for purchasing or leasing vehicles, machinery, and equipment

Quick approval process for businesses in need of immediate resources

Flexible repayment options to match your business’s cash flow

Working Capital Loans

Short-term financing to cover day-to-day operational costs

Quick access to funds for inventory, payroll, or seasonal expenses

Flexible loan terms to help manage cash flow gaps

Capital Loans

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